Saturday, January 28, 2012


Sometimes I wonder if I'm retarded. Like, I'm pretty sure my mom would have told me if I was but sometimes I really wonder. Your birthday was over a month ago. I texted you and I totally remembered. And then I get on here and I totally just lost my brain and never said anything.

So yeah, little late. But here's the deal. I love you. 

I think some of my favorite high school memories took place in your car. I remember driving around, listening to your music, driving at dangerously high speeds and laughing. I remember screaming out the windows HOLA CHICOOOO at motorcyclists and sitting in the trunk during a fire drill at highland. I remember this one time I was late for curfew and you gave me the keys to your car so I could get home. 

Thinking about the jiberty got me thinking a little more about you as a person. I think you have got to be one of the most generous girls I've ever met. It says a lot about a person who is willing to just hand over the keys to her car just so her friend can get home.

1. The roads were awful-- it was snowing. 
2. I didn't even have a license then. 

Honestly, I don't know if I'd be that accommodating but you didn't even give it a second thought. I've been so impressed with you, especially these past couple years as you've been helping in India. You've been blessed to live the life you have but you don't take it for granted. You give back. I so look up to you and I feel pretty great being able to call you my friend. 
So I guess this isn't so much a happy birthday post anymore as it is a I-think-you're-pretty-incredible post. But either way, happy belated birthday annnnd I think you're pretty incredible. 

1 comment:

anna said...

Hahah remember how we thought those motorcyclists were trying to show off for us, when really they were just telling us we needed to turn our headlights on?