Sunday, January 8, 2012

Mallory Bell.

Where do I even begin.

If only I knew how to post videos to this, I would, and I would serenade you for your special day.  But just go back and watch the one I made a few years ago and we can pretend that was today.

ANYWAY, I just love ya Mal.  You are such a wonderful, fun, happy, beautiful, stylish, trustworthy, kind, thoughtful, friendly, love-to-be-with-you, can-never-stop-laughing-with friend.  Thank you for all of the great times that we've had and for always being there for me.  Some of my favorite memories include:

  • When we had that week summer after freshman year where it was just us and we went to a movie and walked to SnoShack (I don't know what we were thinking) and all that jazz.
  • All of our sleepovers.
  • Spontaneous dance(s)/your parking ticket from Ned.
  • Banbury runs when Winn thought we were taking pictures.
  • Our identical schedules senior year.
  • The almost hold-up/shooting we saw at 7-11.
  • Frazil runs.
  • That one drug deal we saw in the Highland parking lot.
  • Just talking.
  • And--of course--today.  

weird.  our hair has swapped now.

Love you wild stallion.  Can't wait for this next semester together in Provo.

1 comment:

Mallory Bell said...

Thanks so much Anna! I love you, and I am so so grateful I have you in my life!!