I'm going to start off with 21 favorite memories (it's going to be hard to narrow this down), in no particular order:
- Playing Arthur in your basement
- "Topless beaches?" (you have to pretend Chase is saying that)
- Concerts: Relient k, Jack Johnson (and Max dragging the cones out the window), and Dashboard Confessional . . . when those guys came up to talk to us.
- "Goodnight guys . . . . seriously, goodnight . . . ." (and just all of that trip)
- Tennis club. "World cup??" hahahahah
- Cutting oranges down from the tree
- You and Kam somersaulting in your basement when the power went out
- Staying up well past 2 a.m. the night that you told me you and Trent were getting married
- When you worked at Dan's
- La Noche de San Juan -- in its entirety (and do not forget about how that man sang to Danielle outside of the kebap shop . . . because I almost did)
- Sitting in my car eating chicken nuggets on the dunk day of SBO elections
- "When I want your opinion, I'll give it to you" ---and just that entire class
- Temple trips (or that weird time we just ran into each other at the temple)
- St. George (both times)
- All of England. Tony, our tour guide, sleeping in the airport (on the ground and in the space station), Wicked, Portobello, talking outside of the museums when we were too tired to go in. All of it.
- Walking to Sno Shack (especially that one time you thought that I just wanted to be with you, but you were really getting answered to a dance; or that one time we went with Gretch and she was telling us jokes . . . were those the same day?)
- Eating ice cream on your porch with Gochnour. Served to us by Gretchen.
- Your wedding day.
- Dancing (honestly, I can't dance with anyone else)
- Paul?
- Playing truth or dare and I stuck my foot in your toilet. (Or I felt like we made up this really funny game one time, but I can't remember so we'll just go with that.)
(Obviously I'm missing a number of things . . . but I didn't want that entire list to be Spain. So just know that all of those are on there too.)
Megen Morgan. What a gal. I cannot even begin to express my love for you. You have been there for me at times when I needed you most, you put up with me when I've been cranky (aka when my suitcase handle broke), and you have always been someone to listen and care. I love how we can sit and talk about everything we disagree on, but yet never argue or get bothered. Honestly, it's an amazing sign for how many consecutive hours we've spent together and still have so much to talk about and laugh about. (Also, a little side note, I'm pretty sure 73.5% of my music is from you. Also another side note, another favorite memory is when we went to the U game in November, and my feet were dying, and that guy gave me hand-warmers, and you brought all of my favorite candy. You really are so sweet. Oh also, remember when you had a crush on Ever? I do.)
But beyond our friendship, you are an amazing person. You have the kindest heart out of anyone I know. Like that time we were walking from the temple and you gave that lady your money. Or the time Isaac was sitting by himself and you went over to talk to him (and when you invited him to come get churros with us). You are so friendly and warm, and everyone I know just loves you. You are a hard worker and a loyal friend. You are the best.